Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Broken Collarbone

Jada M.                       The Broken Collarbone                           7              January 8 2015
“ Is your cough contagious?” Amber asked one day. “No” I said “ It’s just asthma.” “Oh.” Amber said. “So, what do you want to do now?” Alan asked with boredom. “Let’s just take a walk down the road and then we will come back.” I said. “Sounds good to me” Alex said.
We started down the street. As we were walking my uncle drove down the road to tell me he was going to the store to get some dog treats. As my uncle left he yelled “CHICKENS” which always make the dog bark.

My uncle finally went off into the distance. Amber,Alan,Alex and I kept walking on. We were getting tired so we sat on Alan’s porch. My friend Alex was furiouse at Alan because we played a game of tag earlier and Alan had impelled him quite a few times. Alan saw Alex glaring at him so he quickly moved away. Alan turned around and stuck out his tongue at Alex. Alex had enough, he charged at Alan and pushed him off of the porch. When Alan fell I heard a scream,it sounded like a tire screeching. collar-bone-xray medium.jpg

All of a sudden I heard a crash, it sounded like a loud “THUMP”. I went running for his door. Alan’s sister called the ambulance. Alan was still lying on the ground when I got back. I tried to be optimistic about all of it but nothing to help. Before the ambulance came,Alan’s sister chased Alex all the way down the road and spitting out threats at him.Alan’s sister darted back to the house in time to tell the police what had happened. It took me about 10 minute to say what happened to the police but it ended pretty well. When Alan came back from the hospital, I found out that he had a broken collarbone. It healed soon after and everything turned out well in the end.

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