Sunday, February 2, 2014

Ariel the True Story

Ariel The True Story

So this story is about a young mermaid named Ariel. But this is not exactly her story, its mine. If you hadn't already figured it out, my name is Ursula. I am the beauty of the sea, the pearl of the ocean and my job is to help the poor, souls of this unfortunate sea. Some people think I'm only in it to get a reward. I mean sure it's nice to get something in return, but my real prize is King Trident. "Do you hear that my sweethearts?" I asked my sweet little electric eels as I pulled the seaweed cloth off the magic ball. Just as I thought, there was Ariel getting scolded by her father again for skipping the concert. Again. Perfect! I thought. Just what I need to add the king to my collection! Oh look here she comes now! "Oh hello there child! What brings you to my castle of greatness."(castle of greatness might be a little much but whatever ) "well I need your help."she said sounding a little unsure, but she still said it! "What do you need child" I said smirking a little too much. "Well I met a prince. A human prince. I kind of fell in love and I want human legs. Can you help me?" "Oh really? Well I can help but I need something in return." "What do you want?" She asked. "Well I would like to make a deal. If he kisses you before sundown on the third day you can keep your legs, marry him and live happily ever after, but if he doesn't, you belong to me. One more thing, I get your voice." So maybe taking her voice was a little much, but it is so pretty I couldn't resist! "Ok fine." She said jerking me out of my thoughts. "Really? I mean, good choice. Now sing child SING!" "Ladada, ladadada," "keep going!" I shouted "Ladada, ladededa" "Good. Now for the legs. This won't hurt at all." Just then an electric blast filled the room! I didn't mean for it to be that bright but it worked! As she floated to the cave floor I could see two long legs stretch from her body. "Thank you!" She mouthed as a crab and a fish carried her off. Had they been there the whole time? "I wonder where she is going now?" I asked, swimming over to the magic ball. "Ahhh. So she goes straight to her little prince? Interesting. "STOP HER! I shouted a little too loud." Then off swam my precious little angel eels. I watched as they silently followed the girl to the shore and met up with a crazy bird who pretended to not notice her new feet. The crabs eyes lit up as a prince walked over to the mute girl in rags and brought her to the palace to get dry. Suddenly I got an idea! I would transform myself into a beautiful women and use Ariel's beautiful voice to make the prince love me. Then Ariel will be mine and I can use her to get to the king. Perfect! Now, ZAP! I am human and I look almost as good as I did before. I swam to the serface and snuck into the castle. There was a ball and a few people wanted to dance so I zapped them. I really hate to dance. I headed to a dressing room and dressed in the best dress I could find. I went to the prince's room, stood outside the door, and started to sing. Yes! He took the bait! He followed close behind me until he caught to me. "Your voice is amazing!" He said, wide- eyed in nonbelief. "Thank you!" I said. feeling a little giddy at the whole thing. "I know we just met, but will you marry me?" He asked. I couldn't believe it! He wanted to marry me already! "Yes! Deffinetly yes!"  I exclaimed excitedly! "How does next week sound?" He asked. "Let's do it tomorrow instead." I encouraged. "Fine with me." He said, and walked away. Good. Now I just need to be patient and wait. Well, I'm exhausted so I'm going to bed! The next day I woke with FOURTEEN maids standing in my bedroom to get me ready. It's a nice thought but FOURTEEN! Really? "Um your highness?" Said one maid shyly. "It's time to go." The rest was a mixture of getting lost then finding our way and yelling when we got lost again. Finally we got to the wedding just in time. The priest was announcing me. And, ARIEL? Why was she here? It doesn't matter, the sun is setting and her legs are now a tail! Finally I can become my normal self. The transformation might have involved more screaming than necessary but the prince knows the truth now! "Bow down to me! The all mighty queen!" Then I was thrown off the boat and into the water. Some other embarrassing things happened that I would rather not go into much detail about, and the king ended up killing me. I just wanted someone to know the truth. Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Love how you did it from someone else's view!
