Friday, November 6, 2015

El Deafo

El Deafo by  Cece Bell:
Rating: ***** 
Characters: Cece Bell, Martha Ann, Ginny, Mike Miller, Laura
Recommendation: Someone who likes graphic novels, books about friendship and autobiographies 

Cece Bell is a girl who gets very sick when she is four, and becomes deaf. When she goes to kindergarten she goes to one where everyone is just like her: Deaf! Unfortunately, over the Summer she moves to a town where no one is like her, and she has to wear a giant hearing aid called a Phonic Ear so she can hear the teacher better. She makes a ‘friend’ named Laura who is really bossy, and when Cece goes over Laura's house she lets her dog bite Cece! After that, Cece decides it's best not to be friends with Laura but luckily she meets a girl named Ginny who is a really good friend but over exaggerates her words and speaks loudly which actually makes her harder to understand.  When Cece goes to fourth grade she makes a really good friend named Martha who is in the third grade. They are really good friends and when a new kid moves on, Cece is excited. His name is Mike Miller and they are in the same class, when they start fifth grade! Cece hurts her eye, and Martha blames herself. Cece has a lot of adventures through elementary school ,and you can read all about them in this awesome book! 


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