Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Muscular System


     Have you ever wondered how you move your body just to do little things like raising your hand in class? Well, it's the muscular system. Here is how this amazing system works.

     The muscular system, in which different types of muscles work together to move your body. The system starts in your brain, which sends a signal through your nervous system, which is a string of nerves that is throughout your entire body. The brain says where to send the signal to. Once the signal reaches the correct muscle, the muscle triggers into what you want it to do. 
     It is incredible how fast this system works.

     Muscles work together to bend your joints. One muscle relaxes and expands. On the other side of your joint the muscle flexes and contracts which pulls the joint in the direction wanted. An example is when you bend your arm, your bicep contracts and your forearm relaxes.

    There are three different types of muscles. One type is involuntary which are under your conscious control. Involuntary are the next type. These muscles never stop working. These muscles are not controlled. Some examples of involuntary muscles are your heart and your lungs.The last kind of muscle is skeletal. These muscles hold up your bones.

     Muscles are held together with tissue or tendons. The tendons tighten when your joint extends and loosen when you bend the joint.

     If you don't take care of your muscles you will regret it. If you don't have enough oxygen your muscles can shut down. When you exercise hard your muscles can get cramps which is a sign that they don't have enough oxygen. To make sure your muscles are being taken care of you should rest, stretch, massage, breathe, and drink water. Your muscles are powered by a substance called glucose. This is a sugar like food that your muscles consume for energy.

     Your muscle system is an amazing process. If you didn't have muscles you wouldn't be able to move. From chewing your food to pull-ups the muscular system does it all.

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